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Rubble Town

When I was playtesting Festung/Christmas in Hell v1.5/6 it struck me that a lot of the learnings of CiH were in that main combat cycle as you pushed up a street, and that setting up a big game if that is all you're interested in (rather than the historic context) was probably a waste of time, so I developed Rubble Town to hopefully deliver that “quick hit” urban experience.

Rubble Town takes the core mechanics from Festung but presents them as a beer-and-pretzels, solo, card driven game to be played in about 20 minutes.

Note: RubbleTown is currently in a semi-closed beta. Let me know if you'd like to test it. Note2: Playtesting at DSET went really well but I’m going to change the way that the Close Assault rules work and make them more compatible with the Fire rules - removing the last link to Storm Over … Lookout for an updated release (v0.2) in June or July.

From here you can:

I'll posts FAQs, scenarios/expansion sets etc as things develop.

If you've got any questions or comments about Rubble Town just email me at

rubbletown/rubbletown.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/11 19:36 by admin

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