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I’m continuing to use and develop the E-AI model from Sarah Slater at Wolverhampton University.

The basic model is:

  • Emotion Alert Database (EAD)
  • Any stimulus has high-road check against EAD for response (action, emotion, physio, exclamation)
  • Same stimulus has low-road pass to the main NL/response processing system
  • EAD response reduces with over stimulation (accommodation)
  • Emotion response decays if no further trigger
  • Things that please or hurt the VH add to/enhance EAD reaction for future events

The process will probably be implemented within Chatscript with the EAD held in triples, a model which has worked before.

Emotions based around Eckmank’s 5 (Happy, Sad, Anger, Disgust, Fear) Plus surprise, Plus a range of Secondary emotions in a PAD (pleasure-arousal-dominance) space, with half-life type decays. Instant emotions drive mood, also mapped in a PAD space.

emotions.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/20 13:53 by admin