Table of Contents
WebXR Playground
Frame Spaces
- https://framevr.io/mvs-backup - better for HMD
- https://framevr.io/dadenlimited - Daden/Wargames Room
My Demos - WIP
All Work-in-Progress, expect errors and incompleteness.
- TMAP - The Traveller Map in VR
- TerrainXR - Other worldly environments
- https://hubs.mozilla.com/SJy5Hwn/daden-hub - Daden Hub on Mozilla Hubs - links to my other Hubs experiments
- http://www.taunoyen.com/wonderland/my-first-wonderland/deploy/index.html - Wonderland experiment
- https://www.taunoyen.com/webxr/myapps/cardspace/cardspace.html - Cardspace Prototype WIP
Third Party Demos
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arMYi_93nXs&ab_channel=CanonUSA - safe VR180 demo
Just learning how to do things - don't expect them to work!
webxr.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/24 13:02 by admin