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Published Wargaming Works

Here is a list of my published wargaming pieces, and a few unpublished ones.

Published Works

  • Bicentennial Napoleonic Wargaming Survey - Miniature Wargames and Battlegames 396
  • Wargaming with Hexes - Miniature Wargames and Battlegames 404 and 405
  • Computers and Wargaming - The Nugget
  • Remote Wargaming - VCOW2021 and The Nugget
  • Bolt Action on the Moon - Miniature Wargames and Battlegames
  • Waterloo60 - Miniature Wargames and Battlegames

Unpublished Works

  • Visiting Reenactments
  • Random Ruleset Generator
published_wargaming_works.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/20 18:48 by admin

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